Sunday 1 May 2011


Time to exercise the paddle muscles again after many weeks of wrestling canoes, coaching and rolling and not really going anywhere. My paddling partner had not been out for over a year so I thought I might be able to keep up.

Back on the water.
 We followed a familiar route in beautiful sunshine, taking our time and respectful of old injuries.

 There were lots of nesting birds: eider, fulmar, shell duck and guillemots.

Head of Holland.
 We passed the 'interesting bit' last seen from above on a walk. From these cliffs the wildlife is regularly observed in order to assess the impact wave and tidal energy installations might have.

Deserted beach.
 Time for a break on a sandy beach.

Three boats.

Kirkwall Bay with St Magnus Cathedral.

Big boat, little boat.
 We passed the North Isles ferries Earl Thorfinn, Earl Sigurd and the Varagen.

Back home - Shapinsay slip.
Great to get out on the water on such a beautiful day, hopefully there will be many more days like this to come.


  1. It great to see all back into the tripping season. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks Lee - its not as if there haven't been plenty of cool trips happening - I just don't have time to do everything and logging coaching hours for L2 has dominated everything. After that is over there is going to be a whole lot more time for trips!
    Good luck with your move!
