Thursday, 23 February 2012

Tahe Time

The arrival of the long awaited and eagerly anticipated Tahe Marine Greenland LC has been accompanied with outbursts of compulsive naming: 'The Black Beast', 'The Black Beauty', 'Night Rider' and so on... And it is black and very, very shiny. Black and shiny enough to be near invisible on the top of my car after 5pm and cause shock and alarm both to me and other drivers when they realise how close they came! (without toggles though there is no convenient place to tie a rag on to). Lifeguards have been rushing for their duct tape (yellow! aaargh!!!!) to protect their tiles from the pointy ends, ultimately only to be deterred by my incredulous expression.

'Oops, am I taking up too much room?'

Seriously though, when it comes to rolling I am getting used to the new contact points and gathering advice about foam outfitting in different shapes and forms, permanent and temporary. So for the moment its a case of going over the basics and developing a feel for the physics.

Video editing inspired by NK's recent 4x faster pool vid, though not in HD quality.

Meantime my friends make observations!
photo and frame by Johnny

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


its sunny. But in Orkney sunshine is punctuated by fierce and furious squalls - just in case we get too soft around here. However that does not mean it isn't stunning from time to time, though this can be hard to appreciate when the tears are being blown out of your eyes and salt is caking in layers on your face. Sometimes its easier to appreciate in photos afterwards!

Who is that up front furiously paddling toward the pot of gold?

Hang on a minute - it can't be..?
It is! It's Lesley! Oh yes - she's just bought a new boat!

Photos by Johnny.

Sunday, 19 February 2012


Scapa Distillery, Orkney.

I think from time to time its important to acknowledge the input of paddling mentors from around the world who have helped me on the journey. This photo kind of sums up the international element of what I spend most of my spare time thinking about and doing. Recently I have to thank the folks over at Pautik and Christopher Crowhurst at Qajaqrolls, James Manke, and Mel Hanley at Greenland Downunder for practical advice and sharing the detail about what has worked for them when learning traditional paddling and rolling techniques. Working away on my own here sometimes feels like a very strange thing to do so its good to feel part of a supportive learning community. Looking forward to the next part of the journey with my Tahe...

Pautik in the place I do most of my summer rolling practice.

Reality Check

I thought it time to see what I could do on 'the list'. I have enjoyed learning each roll for its own sake, but thought maybe it was time for an audit and a think about progression rather than random selection of the next roll to try. The butterfly roll doesn't figure on the list, neither does the front to back norsaq or hand roll (too easy?) so I'll work on the official forms of norsaq and hand roll next along with the elbow roll. I think they will be different in the Tahe Greenland, maybe a bit tricky until I sort out the masik and outfitting around the cockpit and at the bulkhead for my feet.

Secure  L
Secure R
Side sculling                                     Innaqatsineq

Chest sculling                                         Palluussineq

Standard Roll
Kinnguffik paarlallugu nerfallaallugu

Elbow crook roll                          

Storm roll
Siukkut pallortillugu masikkut

Reverse sweep roll
Kingumut naatillugu

Spine roll

Behind the back roll
Kingup apummaatigut

Neck roll
Siukkut tunusummillugu

Reverse neck roll
Kingukkut tunusummillugu

Shotgun roll
Paatip kallua tuermillugu illuinnarmik

Vertical sculling roll
Qiperuussineq paatit ammorluinnaq

Front deck sculling roll
Masikkut aalatsineq


Back deck sculling roll
Isserfikkut aalatsineq


Cross arm roll
Tallit paarlatsillugit paateqarluni masikkut

Hull sculling roll
Qaannap ataatigut ipilaarlugu

Speed storm rolls
Pallortillugu assakaaneq

Speed standard rolls
Nerfallarlugu assakaaneq

Hunting float roll
Avataq isserfiup taggaanut

Throwing Stick roll forward-forward
Norsamik masikkut

Throwing stick roll back – forward
Norsamik kingukkut

Throwing stick roll layback
Norsamik nerfallaallugu

Hand roll forward – forward
Assammik masikkut

Hand roll back -  forward
Assammik kingukkut

Hand roll layback
Assammik nerfallaallugu

Fist roll forward – forward
Assak peqillugu masikkut

Fist roll back – forward
Assak peqillugu kingukkut

Fist roll layback
Assak peqillugu nerfallaallugu

Brick roll forward – forward
Ujaqqamik tigumisserluni masikkut

Brick roll back – forward
Ujaqqamik tigumisserluni kingukkut

Brick roll layback
Ujaqqamik tigumisserluni nerfallaallugu

Elbow roll
Ikusaannarmik pukusuk patillugu

Straight jacket roll
Tallit paarlatsillugit timaannarmik

Paddling upside down
Pusilluni paarneq

Walrus pull

The problem is that there are so many, if you want to work on a new roll there is not enough pool time to run through them all, making it likely that some will become less than secure in the interval.

Some of them I just haven't tried. I thought the cross arm roll would be tough but actually it was fine.