Monday, 17 January 2011

Greenland 101

Norsaq roll is back! Hanging on the right side of the boat is fixed by getting rid of my buoyancy aid - it must be getting caught on the day hatch as suspected. Lots of playing around this week and the video shows how much there is to work on but, Hey! its all good!


  1. Nice rolling! Smooth and calm! ;-)

  2. Thanks Odin - nice and warm too!

  3. And an inspiring musical accompaniment to boot! As we approach our annual Robbie Burns' night here on the Island, can you tell us the name of the piece? :-)

  4. Hi Duncan The piece is called 'Flett from Flotta'. Its a played by pipe bands all over but its got an Orcadian name. I'm not sure who is playing it on my recording - it might even be our own local Kirkwall City Pipe Band.
