Sunday, 5 December 2010

Back to the bat

NK delicately removes the icy seat cover with her hardy Werner blades.
 A welcome return to the pool and an hour's session of full on rolling and bracing. With the limitation on time, the pressure to achieve one's goals is tangible - even if it is only to re-visit and consolidate and be able to finish with the confirmation that what was achieved last summer is still in place.

decisions,  decisions...
 Butterfly and static braces were still OK and the bat roll was in place. I managed only a couple of norsaq rolls. Good job I still have the evidence I can do it - need to study the videos again.
A nice shallow sandy beach to start on too, with warmish water would be nice..

NK takes a break after a period of blocked practice.
 Because we are all trying to make the best of the opportunity of being in the pool the reciprocal feedback is limited too - it would be good to just have a coach on hand to video us and observe.
Perhaps something for next time.
Ansgar coaches hand rolls in a sea boat.

Sea boats returned outdoors steam in the freezing air.

The boats visit St Magnus Cathedral.
After the session a coffee and a few ideas for trips for next year, boat wish lists and ideas for Paddle Orkney '11 were discussed. 
I like the 'most original roll' competition idea - inspired by Gnarlydog and friends!


  1. I'm wondering about a camera on a tripod under the water or maybe camera on bow. Dunno how to switch it on and off though.

  2. I bash it with my paddle and then edit that bit out - should be easier in the pool with folks about though.

  3. Mckyk, I find taking video footage of a rolling session a very good learning tool.
    In my head I think my rolls are OK until I see what I really do on film.
    I can pick up a few mistakes and aim to correct them next time I am in the water.
    Occasionally we review the footage immediately after the roll, if something doesn't work.
    Seeing myself rolling and self critique works for my skills.

  4. And I wondered why you needed a replacement camera! My button is quite small but I might experiment in the house this afternoon!
